Education and Education for Sustainable Development, both formal and non-formal, will again be afforded an entire thematic day as part of the Conference.
10:00 - 10:45 - Climate Education: how far are we?
The importance of Climate Education is undeniable. Changing people’s perception and behaviour through education is the way to create long-lasting positive impact. Guest speakers showcase their achievements and allow the audience to learn how Climate Education influences people and think about how we can improve.
Organized by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)
11:00 - 11:45 - Greening skills: a non-negotiable agenda for successful climate action
This session will discuss resulting policy guidance framework for designing policies and actions around green economy transition and climate change education developed by UNESCO, ILO and French Ministries. The policy discussion will be supplemented by insights into the perceived skills gaps in current adaptation strategies and potential areas for action of TVET institutions
Organized by UNEVOC and UNESCO
12:45- 13:30 - Today for tomorrow: facing climate change
Presentation of the UNESCO Associated schools project Today for tomorrow: facing climate change
Organized by ASPnet
13:30 – 14:30 - Mitigating Climate Change Through Education:
A Review of Research and Implications for Policy and Evaluation
This interactive session will provide an overview of research-based understandings of climate change education, including introducing a new journal special issue of research on climate change education. Possible implications will be raised for policy and evaluation in advancing UN member state commitments to education, training, and public awareness under Article 6 and in relation to SDG 13.3.
Organized by & the Sustainability and Education Policy Network (SEPN)
15:45 - 16:30 - Climate Classroom on Climate Empowerment
The Climate Classroom @COP23 is an innovative learning experience, designed for anyone interested in getting up to speed on selected climate change topics, through a series of 45-minute lessons delivered in a dedicated interactive environment. This lesson will focus on climate change education, training, and public awareness.
Organized by CC:Learn
16:30 - 17:15 - Catalyzing Trans4ormation with Education 4 Social Change
Transforming our societies towards low carbon and resilience means changing values, norms and behavior. Time to pay attention to ‘education for social change’ strategies and create more examples in the climate change community too.
In this event, we discuss basic rules of creating social change, measuring impact along exiting examples
Organized by GIZ,; UNFCCC, UNESCO
17.15 – 18.15 - Education and science – an important contribution to fight extreme weather events
UNESCO has been playing a valuable role within the Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the Education Sector (GADRRRES). Within the alliance, UNESCO, and its partner agencies promotes a comprehensive approach to DRR education based on three overlapping areas of focus (pillars): Safe School Facilities; School Disaster Management; and Risk Reduction and Resilience Education. Concrete examples of UNESCO assisting Member States in disaster risk reduction in the education sector are in areas related to the strengthening of national capacities through the implementation of the UNESCO-VISUS methodology for assessing school facilities and providing critical information to decision-makers
Organized by UNESCO