When, local time: Tuesday, 1 October 2019 - 9:00am to Thursday, 3 October 2019 - 6:00pm
Where: Colombia, Medellín
Type of Event: Category 4- International Congress
Contact: learningcities@unesco.org
The conference will bring together some 650 participants from all around the world, including mayors, city education executives, officials from ministries of education, and representatives of UN agencies, regional organizations, non-governmental organizations and private-sector representatives.
The aim of the conference is to identify, discuss and promote effective lifelong learning policies and practices that support the development of inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities.
More specifically, the objectives of the conference are to
The conference will focus on “Inclusion - A Principle for Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Cities”.
The following sub-themes will be discussed: policies for inclusion at the local level; governance structures to support inclusive policies; monitoring mechanisms for learning cities.
To facilitate interaction among participants parallel sessions will take place focusing on youth at risk, refugees and migrants, digitally excluded populations, people living in slums and deprived neighbourhoods, disabled population and other groups, including elderly and imprisoned populations.