CIT commences with a Foundational module, followed by a three part series covering ten skills. Each series covers a variety of topics ranging from Self-Cultivation, Relating to Others and Engaging in Systems. Explore this section to learn more about these topics and the skills-set they will help cultivate.
- Series I: Self-cultivation - The first step toward improving relationships with others and making a positive impact in communities is developing an increased level of personal well-being. In CIT, this is referred to as the process of self-consciously working to increase these types of personal skills and well-being i.e. “Self-Cultivation.” Skills: Calming Body and Mind, Ethical Mindfulness, Emotional Awareness, and Self-Compassion.
- Series II: Relating to Others - Series II turns to focus outward in order to improve relationships with others. This involves examining how we interact with others so that we avoid actions and attitudes that may cause harm and cultivate the actions and attitudes that help others. Skills: Impartiality and Common Humanity, Forgiveness and Gratitude, Empathetic Concern, Compassion.
- Series III: Engaging in Systems - Compassion by itself is not enough for ethical and effective decision-making; it must be conjoined with critical thinking and an understanding of reality. Gaining insight into the interdependent nature of our reality can be empowering and can lead to a deeper connection with others and the world around us. Practicing critical thinking guided by the context of our values, interdependence and our common humanity is the best guarantee for a more fulfilling, happy life for ourselves and others. Skills: Appreciating Interdependence, Engaging with Discernment.
Learn from experiences of those who took the course. Enroll now. Note: **Identities haven’t been disclosed in adherence to privacy norms stated by our academic partners
- K-12 Educator*: “I appreciated that the course suggested actual practices and strategies to develop skills such as mindfulness, empathy, forgiveness, and compassion as opposed to just reiterating the importance of such skills.”
- Teacher*: "Honestly, when I told my wife that I was participating in compassion training she said, “you? but you already have empathy and compassion.” It is easy to see ourselves as being compassionate especially as teachers. CIT has taught me mindfulness and process. It has reminded me of self-compassion and the role of seeing every person’s perspective."
- K-12 Educator and Administrator*: "The CIT program is a life changer! Though I never considered myself to be a “negative” person, I didn’t realize how very biased my belief system was. As I continue to take steps to try to view the world through a lens of compassion, I can feel the beginnings of a shift in my relationships and the way I view others."