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Inclusive and Sustainable Cities: Municipalities Good Practices in Lebanon
Event Date: 
Mon, 2017/11/27
Debbieh, Lebanon

UNESCO and UN-HABITAT in collaboration with the Beirut Arab University organizes a launching of a report on "Inclusive and Sustainable Cities: Municipalities Good Practices in Lebanon".


UNESCO promotes cooperation between cities to strengthen advocacy for global solidarity and collaboration, and promote inclusive urban development free from all forms of discrimination. This is done by sharing good practices, knowledge and expertise, and by advancing joint action through the development of participatory city-level policies and initiatives through the International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities – ICCAR.


As a follow-up to a consultation meeting of “Coalition of Cities in Lebanon” (Beirut, 6 September 2016), the collection of good practices by municipalities in promoting inclusiveness and sustainability was designed by UNESCO and UN-HABITAT and implemented with an inter-disciplinary research team of the Beirut Arab University. The report showcases the process and the outcome of recent good practices and aims to promote knowledge sharing among Lebanese cities.