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Join Our Youth Advisory Board!
Event Date: 
Sun, 2021/05/09 - Mon, 2021/05/10
© Media Power Youth

Share your voice on how media and technology impact youth and learn how to use these tools to advocate creatively.


Our mission is to inspire young people to engage with media in thoughtful and constructive ways that support their physical and mental well-being. We offer rich learning experiences on media and technology that help students, teachers, and communities build media literacy skills and use media responsibly to advocate for the causes and people that matter most.


We want to learn from YOU as you are the best teachers when it comes to media. You know how to use technology creatively for learning, connecting with friends, and having fun. We also know that these tools can take a toll on friendships and mental health, which can make navigating the digital space difficult at times. What if instead of having to figure it all out on your own, there were programs and resources to guide you along the way? We want to make this a reality, but we can’t do it alone. We are seeking 8 to 10 high school students who want to make a difference and share their opinions and perspective on how best to support youth.


As a member of this team, you’ll meet new people while building your advocacy skills. You’ll have the opportunity to explore trends in media and technology and potential career fields, including education, psychology, public health, and STEM.


We recognize you are busy with school and extracurricular activities. We respect your time and want to make it easy to make an impact. Here’s what we will ask of participants:

  • Join in a monthly Zoom discussion (2nd Monday each month from May 10, 2021 to May 9, 2022)
  • Provide feedback on program ideas and/or resources for youth
  • Contribute content, such as writing a blog article for our website and/or speaking as a guest during one of our youth programs (occasionally throughout the year)


How to Apply


High school students entering grades 9 through 12 in the fall of 2021 are invited to apply online by May 3rd (see forms at the bottom of this page). They must be nominated by a school educator, counselor, or administrator. Selected students will meet via Zoom on the second Monday each month from May 10, 2021 to May 9, 2022. The time will be determined based on the location of the selected board members. Our first meeting will be held on May 10th.




We look forward to collaborating with youth leaders on this important work! If you have any questions about the application or this program, please contact Heather Inyart, Executive Director, at 


Application Materials


To make the application process as smooth as possible, we are utilizing Google forms. Please click on the links below to complete and submit your application forms. If you are a student applying to our program, please provide the name of the teacher, counselor, or administrator who will be nominating you on your application and send him or her the link to the nominating form below.


Student Application Form

Nomination Form

Youth Advisory Board Overview