In 2014, stemming from requests made by Mongolian youth, 16 selected young women and men from four aimags in Mongolia (Bulgan, Darkhan, Orkhon, and Selenge) benefited from a training program to strengthen capacities for youth transition to adulthood. From 17 to 21 August 2015, a new batch of 20 future Youth Peer Trainers from 10 different aimags in Mongolia will receive training as part of the Mongolia Youth Training of Trainers (TOT) Program. Their capacities will be strengthened in the areas of: a) knowing and claiming rights, b) leadership and management, c) good governance and civic participation, d) mon-violent conflict resolution, e) human rights and equality, and f) dealing with adversity an common challenges This training program contributes to the implementation of the UNESCO Operational Strategy for Youth, which notes the importance of young people in driving change and claiming respect for fundamental freedoms and rights; improving conditions for themselves and their communities; and actively seeking opportunities to learn, work and participate in decisions that affect them. The Mongolia Youth Training of Trainers (TOT) Program is supported by the UNESCO Beijing Office and will be carried out by the Mongolian Education Alliance (MEA), the contractor which organized the first TOT program in 2014. Training will be delivered utilizing the Mongolian version of the “How to became a responsible young leader” training manual developed by D&T Consultants in collaboration with UNESCO and MEA. Once completed Mongolia will have a cadre of 36 Youth Peer Trainers equipped with the capacity to deliver soft skills that enhance the transition from youth to adulthood. Two prior training sessions took place in May 2015.