This initiative seeks to build a common understanding, among education practitioners (in the formal non-formal sectors) about the educational interventions and approaches that are needed to ensure that education systems contribute appropriately and effectively to the prevention of violent extremism.
It is not enough to counter violent extremism. We need to prevent it, and this calls for forms of ‘soft power’, to prevent a threat driven by distorted interpretations of culture, hatred, and ignorance. No one is born a violent extremist – they are made and fueled. Disarming the process of radicalization must begin with human rights and the rule of law, with dialogue across all boundary lines, by empowering all young women and men, and by starting as early as possible, on the benches of schools. UNESCO Member States adopted the landmark decision (Decision 197EX/46) to enhance UNESCO’s capacity to provide assistance to States as they craft sharper strategies to prevent violent extremism. UNESCO has also committed to the UN Secretary-General’s Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism , with a focus on priorities of direct relevance to UNESCO’s work: education, skills development and employment facilitation; empowerment of youth; strategic communications, the Internet and social media; and gender equality and empowering women.
In the area of education, UNESCO’s work is being undertaken within the framework of its ongoing efforts to promote Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and support country implementation of Target 4.7 of the Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Education.
The specific objectives of this meeting are to:
- Discuss a framework that clarifies key concepts and competencies for PVE within a culturally relevant context.
- Review and adapt the information presented in the UNESCO Guides for Teachers on the Prevention of Violent Extremism through Education (PVE-E) and the Tebyan Guide, to ensure that it corresponds to the current local context in the region.
- Compile regional information, case studies, and examples and integrate it into existing both resources.
- Develop recommendations for dissemination and further training on the use of the guides.