When, local time:
Wednesday, 26 April 2017 - 9:00am to Friday, 28 April 2017 - 3:00pm
Argentina, Villa Maria
Type of Event:
Category 7-Seminar and Workshop
A member of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (UNESCO GNLC) since June 2016 and a 2017 UNESCO Learning City Award winner, Villa María in Argentina is now set to host the upcoming UNESCO GNLC regional meeting titled ‘Learning to Live Sustainably in Cities’.
The meeting is a joint effort of Villa María and UNESCO (including the UNESCO Global Action Programme on ESD, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean). Delegates from 40 municipalities in Latin America and the Caribbean will convene to share knowledge and build capacities related to the learning city approach. Participants will explore ways to enhance education and lifelong learning in their respective cities and promote Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at the local level.
The building of learning cities and the promotion of ESD are closely connected, yet each has a unique focus: discussions on learning cities will therefore analyse how lifelong learning policies and strategies can be developed and implemented to address social, cultural, economic and environmental challenges in cities; the discourse on ESD will address action areas within the ‘five P’s’ (Planet, People, Peace, Prosperity, Partnership) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
As lead agency in promoting inclusive, quality education and lifelong learning for all, UNESCO supports both learning cities and ESD within its Member States. Through the UNESCO GNLC, which has its secretariat in the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, UNESCO harnesses the capacities of cities to establish and implement holistic lifelong learning policies to address social, cultural, economic and environmental challenges. The UNESCO Global Action Programme supports ESD by generating and promoting learning at all levels, in all areas of education, and across all sectors of sustainable development.