There is an urgent need to make education more relevant to local and global needs and demands. Faced with challenges from all sectors, global citizenship education (GCED) has emerged as a viable approach for nurturing learners to become informed, critically literate, socially connected, ethical and engaged global citizens. Fostering global citizenship has gained substantial support from policy makers and educators. While there is no agreed definition of global citizenship, it refers to a sense of belonging to the global community, promoting values such as non-discrimination, respect for diversity and solidarity for humanity.
With support from the Korean Funds-in-Trust, UNESCO Bangkok is implementing a project, Preparing Teachers for Global Citizenship Education, to enhance the capacity of teacher educators, teachers and school leaders to deliver quality global citizenship education. As part of the project, UNESCO Bangkok is organizing a Technical Meeting to Develop a Modality for Teachers to Embed Global Citizenship Education (GCED) into the Curriculum on 27 February-1 March in Bangkok, Thailand. The main objective of the meeting is to discuss the scope and framework for developing a template that can assist teachers to embed and integrate GCED into their teaching practices.
The 70 participants attending the meeting include policy makers, teacher educators and school leaders from the project’s nine target countries (Bhutan, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka and Thailand), resource persons and UNESCO partners. They will be introduced to key concepts of GCED, innovative pedagogies and useful resources during the meeting. The representatives from the nine countries are expected to be members of the national core teams tasked to implement follow-up activities and national training workshops after the meeting.
Important Resources: