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Third piloting of the UNESCO Manual on intercultural competences based on human rights
Event Date: 
Wed, 2018/03/07 - Fri, 2018/03/09
San José, Costa Rica

UNESCO, in cooperation with the UN Task Force on Indigenous Peoples and the Costa Rican National Human Rights Institution, will organize the third piloting of the UNESCO manual on intercultural competences based on human rights in San José, Costa Rica, between 7 and 9 March 2018.


Against the backdrop of growing cultural diversity and intercultural interaction within the sub-region, the manual presents a timely, accessible and adaptable activity to sensitize diverse audiences to intercultural competences – the prerequisite skills and behaviors needed to enhance intercultural dialogue and understanding for the prevention and resolution of conflict and the promotion of sustainable development.


The activity will include a training of trainers session with UN staff, local NGO leaders, educators and community leaders, as well as two pilot sessions - facilitated by newly trained local personnel - with participants being drawn from a broad cross-section of Costa Rica’s population, focusing particularly on groups exposed to vulnerabilities, such as indigenous groups.


The session in Costa Rica seeks to test the manual’s adaptability and effectiveness, both from the perspective of facilitation, and with regard to its ability to build individual capacities for intercultural dialogue and understanding. Lessons learnt from this pilot session will feed into the global evaluation of the activity, as well as directing adaptions to maximize the relevance of the activity within the Latin American and Caribbean context.



UNESCO and Intercultural Dialogue

Theme page:

Intercultural Dialogue

Learning to Live Together

Social Transformations

Building Peace Programmes
