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From 14 to 20 November practitioners and citizens are organising and attending thousands of activities online and onsite with a common goal: raising awareness for a more sustainable and equitable World.
The Global Education Week (GEW) is an annual Worldwide awareness raising initiative unfolding during the third week of November. It is a call to rethink our world together, using Global Education as a tool for solidarity and change and contribute for a more and sustainable and equitable world. In preparation and during the Week pedagogical approaches and awareness-raising activities are shared amidst practitioners to rethink our habits, contributing to a sustainable future through sustainable lifestyles.
The Global Education Week relates to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) which aim to eliminate extreme poverty, reduce inequalities and combat the threat of climate change by 2030.
Through its GEW webpage and its GEW Toolkit the North-South Centre offers practitioners guidance to implement awareness-raising activities tackling one or more of the five distinctive areas of the SDGs: Planet, People, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership.
In the context of current crisis, namely the war in Ukraine and other ongoing tensions in the world, the GEW 2022 edition – in consultation and collaboration with the GE network national coordinators - will privilege the pillars People, Peace and Partnership, while not neglecting Planet and Prosperity.
Everyone is invited to participate. The GEW campaign is a kick-off momentum to raise-awareness about GE for a yearlong period. Therefore activities can be scheduled beyond the Week itself. If you wish to discover the activities already registered for this year edition, we invite you to visit the GEW webpage (Activities taking place during the GEW are displayed through an interactive map and a scrolling list per countries), or to follow the Global Education Network Facebook page to be updated on the last news.
The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe (NSC) objective as regards global education is to develop, enhance and sustain strategies, competence development and capacity-building for global education, targeting institutions and practitioners from the formal and non-formal educational sector. Global Education is understood as a holistic education dealing with the growing interconnectedness between local and global realities.
It aims at developing learning communities in which practitioners are encouraged to work cooperatively and develop skills for a participatory global citizenship. Global Education aims at enabling learners to understand world issues while empowering them with knowledge, skills, values and attitudes desirable for world citizens to face global problems.
One of the core competences of Global Education is the ability to understand facts holistically, fostering multiperspectivity and the deconstruction of stereotypes. It helps learners to understand the complexity of the world, be aware of contradictions and uncertainties and understand that there is no onedimensional solution for complex problems. It helps learners to deal with cultural variety of languages and codes so that mutual understanding can be achieved.