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أكدت قيادات ومؤسسات دينية، أهمية حماية حقوق الطفل وتحديد الخطوات لضمان ذلك، وشدد متحدثون في مؤتمر بعنوان: (دور القيادات والمؤسسات الدينية في حماية...
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© GPE/Chantal Rigaud
  We know that literacy is key to making our world more sustainable, peaceful, and financially secure.   Studies have shown that...
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  “Literacy is the starting point for any form of quality inclusive education and we need to support and scale up the many initiatives across...
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  Within the framework of UNESCO’s efforts to spread the culture of peace and dialogue, and in its efforts to achieve SDG4.7 which calls for...
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  For children in Chad, getting an education can involve manual labour. That’s because, every year, there’s a chance that the rainy season...
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  Imagine you are a young person studying in a small rural town – what would be your response if someone said: “You should join the United...
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  حددت مؤسسة وطني الإمارات 10 مقترحات لتنمية الهوية الوطنية والمواطنة الصالحة لدى الأسر والمدارس والمؤسسات المجتمعية، مستندة الى تقرير أعدته...
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© Jonny Mansfield
How can education advance the status of women and girls worldwide and work towards preventing conflicts, protect the most vulnerable populations and...
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  This year marks the 40th anniversary of the end of the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia and the opening of the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (...
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  The right to education is recognized as having a key role in achieving the Sustainable Development Agenda. Making education a reality for...
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