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New York: On 8 October 2020, UNESCO presented the UN Secretary-General’s report on Literacy for life, work, lifelong learning and education for...
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Global Media and Information Literacy Youth Hackathon   What can youth do to counter disinfodemic, using media and information literacy as...
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46 years ago, UNESCO’s General Conference made a commitment to promote international education and world peace through the 1974 Recommendation...
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On 8 September 2020, the UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning (UIL), together with the UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education...
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Universities constitute a major institution for knowledge production and innovation, as such they are critical to the promotion of lifelong learning...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged our structures and has had a tragic impact all around the world. But this crisis is also an occasion to question...
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© GEM Report
By Anna Cristina D’Addio and Daniel April, GEM Report team   Many factors go into the design of a truly inclusive education system. Some...
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Young people and their parents told UNESCO what their experience of sexuality education was like as part of the Foundation of Life and Love...
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UNESCO New Delhi and Education International are jointly celebrating World Teachers’ Day with a 24-hour long global broadcast today for...
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UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay has cautioned that much remained to be done for gender equality as world leaders gathered at a High-Level...
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