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The situation of Venezuelan refugee and migrant families that were in a fragile situation before the pandemic is now aggravated by their loss of...
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Dialogue plays a central role in advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A tool for religious leaders and the development...
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"Youth is a decisive phase in personal development. It is the age when people venture into the unknown, seeking new horizons; it is a time of...
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On the occasion of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, the offices of the UN, UNESCO, and UNHCR in Brazil joined the...
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© Bridge 47
Last week, IDEAS in Scotland hosted an online training workshop – ‘Novel Ideas: Storytelling Frameworks for Educators in Sustainability &...
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The COVID-19 outbreak has translated into a major education crisis, causing school and university closure worldwide and disruption of regular...
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Held every year on 21 May, the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development celebrates not only the richness of the world’s cultures...
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© Stars Foundation
By Sheldon Shaeffer, Chair, Board of Directors, Asia=Pacific Regional Network on Early Childhood (ARNEC)   Post-Covid-19, the...
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Pandemics have different impacts on women and men, girls and boys and non-binary people, among different socio-economic classes and age groups....
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On 14 May 2020, UNESCO IICBA and UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa co-organized a webinar on “The Opportunities, Challenges and Best...
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