



Resource Image

Guide of Good Practices in Inclusive Education

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Madrid | 2013 | 194 p.
联合作者 : 
Save the Children; Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)
地区 : 
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Third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education: The Impact of Adult Learning and Education on Health and Well-Being; Employment and the Labour Market; and Social, Civic and Community Life

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Hamburg | 2016 | 158 p.
联合作者 : 
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
地区 : 
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Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Racial Hatred and Racial Hate Crimes In the World (General Conference; 40th session)

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
巴黎 | 2019 | 4 p.
联合作者 : 
地区 : 
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Proposed thematic programme on water education within the UN Decade on Education for Sustainable Development (DESD, 2005-2014)

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Paris | 2006 | 4p
联合作者 : 
International Hydrological Programme (IHP)
地区 : 
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Holocaust Educational Trust - Teaching Resources

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
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Pacific education for sustainable development framework; endorsed by the Pacific Ministers of Education, 27 September 2006, Nadi Fiji

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Apia | 2006 | 14p
联合作者 : 
UNESCO Office Apia
地区 : 
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Analytical Report on the Rights of People With Disabilities in Central Asia and Azerbaijan

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Almaty | 2017 | 43 p.
联合作者 : 
Civil Society Development Association (ARGO); USAID
地区 : 
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Experiences and Narratives of Women Leaders and Defenders of Chocó, Nariño, Antioquia and Cauca in the Implementation of the PDET

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Bogotá | 2022 | 47, 25 p.
联合作者 : 
Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular (Cinep)
地区 : 
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Presentation: Sustainable Development and Higher Education in a Global World (Revista Iberoamericana De Educación; vol.73)

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Madrid | 2017 | p. 11-12
地区 : 
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Communities in Action: Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Hamburg | 2015 | 56 p.
联合作者 : 
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL)
地区 : 
非洲 亚太地区 欧美地区
