This booklet contains a collection of papers on global citizenship in language education around the world. It provides theoretical frameworks and practical applications in different contexts.
Following on from Audrey Osler and Hugh Starkey’s 'Citizenship and Language Learning: international perspectives', published in 2005, this collection aims at offering ideas and practical suggestions on how teachers around the world have tackled the teaching of English within a citizenship education perspective. There are seven chapters, from authors working in different parts of the world, such as Argentina, Bulgaria, Brazil, Colombia, and Pakistan.
There are five report style chapters that deal with courses, teaching materials, research and curriculum innovation. The two remaining contributions can be seen as proposals for implementation of a global citizenship perspective in English language classrooms.
The diverse interpretations teachers of English around the world have been giving to the task of promoting global citizenship in their classrooms are reflected in this collection with understandings that range from a more prescriptive approach to a transformational one. They bring the potential for new approaches to be tried out in different contexts. The aim is to inspire teachers to experiment and evaluate the results.