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Prevention Education in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: A Review of Policies and Practices
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
Moscow | 2014 | 102 p.
ISBN 976-5-906399-02-1
Corporate author: 
UNESCO Office Moscow
Asia and the Pacific

A new regional study commissioned by UNESCO shows that most EECA countries have policies to provide sex education in schools, but only a few of them have implemented this policy in high-quality teaching practice on a national scale. For the report, more than 100 key legal and policy documents from the EECA countries were analyzed, which made it the first systematic review on this topic in the region. A review of preventive education in ten countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia presents its current state and outlines the prospects for its development to provide all adolescents and young people, including from key population groups, with affordable and high-quality comprehensive education in the field of HIV prevention and reproductive health.



Resource Type: 
Curriculum, teaching-learning materials and guides
Conference and programme reports
Civic / Citizenship / Democracy
Level of education: 
Higher education
Non-formal education