UNESCO has developed the ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT CFT) as a tool to guide pre- and in-service teacher training on the use of ICTs across the education system. The ICT CFT is intended to be adapted to support national and institutional goals by providing an up-to-date framework for policy development and capacity building in this dynamic area.
The ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT CFT) Version 3 is a response to recent technological and pedagogical developments in the field of ICT and Education, and incorporates in its structure inclusive principles of non-discrimination, open and equitable information accessibility and gender equality in the delivery of education supported by technology. It addresses the impacts of recent technological advances on education and learning, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Mobile Technologies, the Internet of Things and Open Educational Resources, to support the creation of inclusive Knowledge Societies. The ICT CFT provides a comprehensive set of competencies teachers need to integrate ICT into their professional practice in order to facilitate students’ achievement of curricular objectives. Strong political commitments and sustained investment in teacher education, and concerted actions between pre- and in-service teacher trainings form the foundation of the successful implementation of this Framework as it is contextualized to national and institutional goals. For this reason, this document underlines the importance of steadfast commitment to supporting teachers’ continuous professional development including through ICT, and includes examples to illustrate how ICT CFT could be used to facilitate teachers’ development in diverse contexts. We look forward to strengthening our collaboration with all stakeholders everywhere to leverage ICT to develop the skills required to thrive within the fast-changing inclusive Knowledge Societies.