Strand 3– What does progress in transformative education look like – the crucial role of teachers
Plenary session 3
Based on the findings of two global studies conducted by UNESCO and its partners, this session discussed what can be done to support teachers to feel more confident in their role and to effectively facilitate transformative education.
Moderators: Ms Antonia Wulff, Director of Policy, Advocacy and Research, Education International, Mr Christophe Cornu, Senior Project Officer, Section of Education for Health and Well-being, UNESCO
Concurrent sessions 3
The session addressed key action areas in view of advancing the role and building the capacities of teachers to deliver ESD, GCED and education for health and well-being.
Session 3.1 – Teacher preparedness
Moderator: Dr Jim Taylor, Research Associate, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Session 3.2 – Teaching and learning resources and materials
Moderator: Ms Yumiko Yokozeki, Director, UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA)
Session 3.3 – School and community support
Moderator: Mr Carlos Vargas, Chief of Section of Teacher Development, UNESCO
Mr Carlos Enrique Rodoriguez Rivas, Head, National Teacher Training Institute, Ministry of Education, El Salvador
Dr James Williams, Professor, School of Education and Human Development at George Washington University, USA
Mr Kiichi Oyasu, Director, Education Cooperation Department of Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU), Japan
Links to Strand 1 / Strand 2 & Special Session / Strand 4