Plenary session 1
In this first plenary, countries shared their vision, practice and progress underpinning their understanding of “transformative education”. The impact of current practices related to learners’ behavior and the educational system was discussed, highlighting success indicators.
Moderator: Ms Krista Pikkat, Director, UNESCO Almaty Office
Concurrent sessions 1
Following the plenary session, the concurrent sessions discussed the different components that need to be transformed in the education system, and how to bring about these changes and further advance.
Session 1.1 – Policy
Moderator: Ms Akpezi Ogbuigwe, Founder, Anpez Centre for Environment and Development, Nigeria
Session 1.2 – Curricula, pedagogy and assessment
Moderator: Mr Yao Ydo, Director, UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE)
Session 1.3 – Learning environment
Moderator: Mr Chris Castle, Chief of Section of Education for Health and Well-being, UNESCO
Links to Strand 2 & Special session / Strand 3 / Strand 4