Strand 2 – What does progress in transformative education look like – a look at recent global and regional data
Plenary session 2
Building upon Strand 1, this session examined transformative education through the lens of regional and global comparative data in relation to SDG Target 4.7. The discussion identified the progress made, and remaining gaps in existing monitoring and assessment frameworks.
Moderator: Mr Sobhi Tawil, Director, Future of Learning and Innovation, UNESCO
Concurrent sessions 2
The concurrent sessions engaged in an in-depth discussion on three selected major gaps in transformative education, identified opportunities and made suggestions on the way forward.
Session 2.1 – How to address social and emotional dimensions of learning in assessment?
The increasing integration of social and emotional learning (SEL) into curricula has raised questions regarding feedback and assessment. Drawing on research, policy and practice, this session examined possibilities and gaps in SEL.
Moderator: Ms Cecilia Barbieri, Chief, Section of Education for Global Citizenship & Peace, UNESCO
Session 2.2 – Making adult learning and education visible within lifelong learning: strengthening non-formal education for individual, social and system level transformation
This session presented local initiatives that have embedded ESD and GCED into lifelong learning systems through policy/strategy development and project implementation, as well as progress made in building learning cities.
Moderator: Mr Jose Roberto Guevara, President, International Council for Adult Education
Session 2.3 – What do we need to monitor/measure/assess in transformative education - gaps and opportunities?
The session focused on promising practices and remaining gaps in capturing the transformation of individuals, societies and education. The key question addressed was how quality teaching and learning can be guided based on the evidence available.
Moderator: Dr Marcia McKenzie, Director, MEECE Project and SEPN, and Professor, the University of Melbourne, Australia
Special Session by the Host Country (Plenary) – Experiences from the Republic of Korea and Beyond: Progress, Challenges and New Visions
The Special Session discussed the Korean experience on SDG Target 4.7, at the domestic and international level. Good practices, emerging trends and lessons learnt were shared, suggesting key agendas, challenges, and visions towards 2030 and transformative education.
Moderator: Mr Soon-yong Pak, Professor, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea