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Getting Every School Climate-ready: How Countries are Integrating Climate Change Issues in Education

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Paris | 2021 | 13 p.
Corporate author : 
Regions : 
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Supporting Early Childhood Development: From Science to Large-Scale Application

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
| 2016 | 8 p.
Corporate author : 
UNICEF; World Bank; WHO
Regions : 
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The role of Education in Preventing Violent Radicalisation: a review for Europe

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Madrid, España | 2022 | p. 209-238
Regions : 
Europe and North America
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My Plan, My Life and My Future: Pedagogical Guidelines for Economic and Financial Education

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Bogotá | 2014 | 108 p.
Corporate author : 
Colombian Ministry of Education; Asobancaria
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
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Tracing the Integral Development of Girls and Boys in Early Childhood Education

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Bogotá | 2014 | 52 p.
Corporate author : 
Colombian Ministry of Education
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
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Environmental Science Course

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Hama | 2021 | p. 1-12
Corporate author : 
University of Hama
Regions : 
Arab States
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Le grenier de Sarah

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
| 2002 |
Corporate author : 
Mémorial de la Shoah ; Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche
Regions : 
Europe and North America
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Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2019

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Brussels | 2020 | 33 p.
Corporate author : 
SOLIDAR Foundation; Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS)
Regions : 
Europe and North America
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Didactic Sequences of Education for Peace

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Bogotá | [2016] | 304 p.
Corporate author : 
Ministerio de Educación de Colombia
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
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Initial Teacher Education in Citizenship in Latin America: A Comparative Analysis of Six Countries

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Paris; Santiago | 2017 | 102 p.
Corporate author : 
UNESCO; Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago)
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
