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What is the Armenian "Genocide"?

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
| 2015 | 1:02 (1min 2sec)
Corporate author : 
BBC News World
Regions : 
Resource Image

What Can Education Do to Prevent Violence?

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
Madrid | 2021 | 5:14 (5min 14sec)
Corporate author : 
BBVA We learn together 2030
Regions : 
Europe and North America
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Citizenship and Civics: Learn From These Young Senegalese Leaders

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
[Dakar] | 2020 | 6:04 (6min 4sec)
Corporate author : 
Vibe Radio Senegal
Regions : 
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Global Citizenship Education, Year 2019-2020

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
Joliette | 2020 | 3:40 (3min 40sec)
Corporate author : 
CRÉDIL Joliette
Regions : 
Europe and North America
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European Citizenship

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
[Nantes] | 2020 | 5:18 (5min 18sec)
Corporate author : 
Laboratoire d'innovation pédagogique sur l'Europe (LIPE)
Regions : 
Europe and North America
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Why and How to Move Towards Participatory Democracy

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
| 2015 | 2:55 (2min 55sec)
Corporate author : 
Fondation pour la Nature et l'Homme
Regions : 
Europe and North America
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What Does It Mean to Have Good Self-Esteem?

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
| 2020 | 5:16 (5min 16sec)
Corporate author : 
BBVA Aprendemos Juntos
Regions : 
Europe and North America
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The Science of Happiness

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
| 2018 | 55:49 (55min 49sec)
Corporate author : 
BBVA Aprendemos Juntos
Regions : 
Europe and North America
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Challenges Facing the Inclusive Education Plan, such as Schools' Lack of Special Services for Students with Disabilities

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
Amman | 2019 | 10 minutes
Corporate author : 
Almamlaka TV
Regions : 
Arab States
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Reasons for Global Concern for Human Rights

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
Najaf | 2015 | 41 minutes
Corporate author : 
najaf University
Regions : 
Arab States
