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Reducing global poverty through universal primary and secondary education

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
| 2017 | 16 p.
Corporate author : 
Regions : 
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Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots: A Starter Toolkit for Educators

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Toronto | 2016 | 22 p.
Corporate author : 
The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada
Regions : 
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Guidance for generative AI in education and research

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Paris | 2023 | 48 p.
Corporate author : 
Regions : 
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Promoting Global Citizenship Education in Arab Universities: Proposals for Action

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Beirut; Paris | 2022 | 15 p.
Corporate author : 
Regions : 
Arab States
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Developing Digital Citizens: Media Literacy Education for All Students

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
New York | 2020 | 50 p.
Corporate author : 
DemocracyReady NY
Regions : 
Europe and North America
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The Role of the School in Promoting Education for Global Citizenship Education for Students in Light of Some Contemporary Changes: An Analytical Study (vol.22, no.4; Journal of Scientific Research in Education)

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Qena | 2021 | p. 1-44
Corporate author : 
South Valley University
Regions : 
Arab States
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PEERs for Peace!: A Community-Based Resource Guide for Peace Education

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
[Addis Ababa] | [2016] | 121 p.
Corporate author : 
UNESCO International Institute for Capacity-Building in Africa (IICBA); University of Pennsylvania
Regions : 
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Construction / Emerging Invention of Unequal Populations in Latin American Education

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Buenos Aires | 2017 | pp. 1-19
Corporate author : 
Universidad de San Andrés / Arizona State University
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
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International Trends of Lifelong Learning in Higher Education: Research Report

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
[Hamburg; Shanghai] | 2023 | 67 p.
Corporate author : 
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL); Shanghai Open University
Regions : 
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Education for Citizenship in the New Global Order

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Chapecó | 2018 | p. 97-119
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
