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El docente como promotor de la pedagogía de la convivencia para la educación por la paz

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Santiago | 2014 | pp. 194-207
Corporate author : 
Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez
Regions : 
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Políticas educativas de atención a la diversidad cultural: Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Perú; volumen 1

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Santiago | 2005 | 626 p.
Corporate author : 
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
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Cultura de Paz y educación para la ciudadanía democrática

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Madrid | 2006 | pp. 1-20
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
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Educación y diversidad cultural: lecciones desde la práctica innovadora en América Latina

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Santiago | 2008 | 219 p.
Corporate author : 
UNESCO Office Santiago and Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
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Aprendizaje-servicio y Educación para la Ciudadanía

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Madrid | 2011 | pp. 45-67
Corporate author : 
Universidad de Barcelona
Regions : 
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La Enseñanza del Holocausto en América Latina: los desafíos para los educadores y legisladores

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Santiago; Paris | 2017 | 217 p.
Corporate author : 
UNESCO Office Santiago and Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
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Las universidades públicas y el sentido común neoliberal: siete tesis iconoclastas

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Buenos Aires | 2014 | pp. 18-31
Corporate author : 
Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF)
Regions : 
Europe and North America Latin America and the Caribbean Global
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Construir ciudadanía desde las universidades, responsabilidad social universitaria y desafíos ante el siglo XXI

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Toluca | 2011 | pp. 37-58
Corporate author : 
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
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Recomendaciones de Buenos Aires

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Buenos Aires | 2007 | 6 p.
Corporate author : 
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
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Escuela, identidad y discriminación

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Buenos Aires | 2011 | 359 p.
Corporate author : 
IIPE - UNESCO Buenos Aires
Regions : 
Latin America and the Caribbean
