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[Policy Brief] YOUTH WAGING PEACE: A Youth Led Guide on Prevention of Violent Extremism through Education

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
New Delhi | 2019 | 20 p.
Corporate author : 
Regions : 
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Measuring Distance to the SDG Targets 2019 - An Assessment of Where OECD Countries Stand

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Paris | 2019 | 146 p.
Corporate author : 
Regions : 
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I'd blush if I could: closing gender divides in digital skills through education

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
| 2019 | 145 p.
Corporate author : 
UNESCO; EQUALS Skills Coalition
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Frontlines - Young people at the forefront of preventing and responding to violent extremism

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
New York | 2019 | 116 p.
Corporate author : 
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Integrating education for sustainable development (ESD) in teacher education in South-East Asia: a guide for teacher educators

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Bangkok | 2018 | 71 p.
Corporate author : 
UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific
Regions : 
Asia and the Pacific
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Profile booklet: key partners of the Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development (April 2018)

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Paris | 2018 | 105 p.
Regions : 
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Improving the quality of teacher education in Sub-Saharan Africa: lessons learned from a UNESCO-China Funds-in-Trust project

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Paris | 2018 | 53 p.
Corporate author : 
Assistant Director-General for Education, 2010-2018 (Qian Tang)
Regions : 
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School-related violence and bullying on the basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity or Expression (SOGIE): synthesis report on China, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Paris;Bangkok | 2018 | 82 p.
Corporate author : 
UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific
Regions : 
Asia and the Pacific
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Migration, displacement and education: building bridges, not walls; Global education monitoring report, youth report, 2019

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Paris | 2018 | 41 p.
Corporate author : 
Global Education Monitoring Report Team
Regions : 
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Bridge Zambia Project Report

Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation : 
Seoul | 2019 | 55 p.
Corporate author : 
Zambia National Commission for UNESCO
Regions : 
